Student Financial Planning Portal

Student Financial Planning (SFP) 财务援助系统是单独管理学生的财务计划吗, 自动, 并且是实时的. 该系统允许学生查看他们的整个资助计划,并支持更明智的财务决策.


See Portal Instructions Below

  • Required Step to View and Accept Your 金融援助


    是否与学校进行电子商务是你的决定. When you select the "Accept & 继续”按钮, you consent to allow the University to conduct business electronically, 包括以电子形式向您提供或提供通信,以及使用电子记录和签名签订协议和交易. Your consent is valid until your access to the student portal expires.

  • Navigating Student Financial Planning
    1. 登录到 爪子 with your username and password. 如果你是一个新学生,还没有设置你的爪子帐户,请在这个时候做. 您应该已经收到了FSU帮助台通过电子邮件发送的设置和登录说明.

    2. 选择 金融援助 – 查看经济援助.
      (Scroll down and to the right to find the below options)

      Navigating Student 金融援助 Planning

    3. The 第一个 time you access SFP, 系统将提示您填写紧急联系表格并同意以电子方式开展业务. Please change your password.

      Accept Electronic Consent Notice

    4. Carefully review all Pending items in red on the HOME page, as seen below.

    5. 如下所示,查看导航标题中任何红色编号的通知徽章.

      Required 金融援助 Actions

  • Granting Parent or Guest Access


    必须完成家属验证工作表并通过学生财务规划上传父母文件的学生将需要为其父母设置访问权限,以便在SFP中成功完成这些任务. First, start by granting them access by using the steps below:

    1. 登录到 爪子 with your username and password.

    2. 选择 查看经济援助. 接下来,单击标题选择配置文件右上方的小三角形.


    3. Under Manage Proxy Access, 第一个, provide consent to parents or guests by clicking on Sign FERPA Form & Provide Consent and completing the actions.

      Manage Proxy Access window

    4. Add a parent or guest by clicking on the person +icon.

    5. Enter your parent's or guest's email address.

      Add Edit Proxy Portal Access Window

    请注意:它是大小写敏感的,所以澳门十大赌城官方网站建议使用所有小写字母. (*If your parent or guest has more than one student attending FSU, a separate email address must be used. The same email address cannot be used for multiple students in attendance)

    1. 选择 Guest Role of "Default Proxy"

      Add Edit Proxy Portal Access Guest Role of Default Proxy

    2. Verify the "状态" is enabled.

    3. Click on the save icon under Edit. 保存电子邮件地址将向您的父母或客人发送通知,告知他们创建了用户帐户以及激活链接. Please have your parent or guest click on the activation link to proceed.

    4. 家长或客人必须接受电子同意以电子方式进行业务.

    5. Upon completing the steps above, your parent or guest now has access to your SFP portal to sign, upload and view documents.

  • Parent Access to Student Financial Planning
    1. 使用直接通过电子邮件发送给家长或客人的链接导航到学生财务规划
    2. 登录方式:
      • Username: Parent email address the student enabled
      • 密码:学生的FSU ID号码(家长或客人将立即被提示创建一个新密码.)

    3. 在登录时,父用户或访客将被提示创建一个新密码.

  • Uploading and 提交ting Documents
    1. If you are a new student and have not yet set up your 爪子帐户, please do so at this time. 您应该已经收到了来自IT帮助台的电子邮件的设置和登录说明.

    2. 选择 查看经济援助.

    3. Click on the DOCUMENTS link in the header.

      uploading and 提交ting Documents Header Link

    4. 选择 upload icon to the right of each listed item. 请注意,只有文档所有者才能上传所请求的信息. If the parent is the owner, 一旦他们被授予对系统的访问权限,只有他们才能完成他们的任务.

      Documents Needing Attention - Uploading and 提交ting Documents

    5. Click Choose a File at the top right and select your document.

    6. Review and complete all fillable fields associated with the document.

    点击位于上传文档标题下的图标来提交文档. 你需要在你的设备上以图像文件的形式保存文档的副本来上传它. Only PDF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG documents can be uploaded.

  • How to View Your 金融援助
    1. 登录 爪子 with your username and password.

    2. 选择 查看经济援助.

      Navigating Student 金融援助 Planning

    3. 点击财务, located in the top navigation bar, to view your financial aid summary for the upcoming academic year

      Required 金融援助 Actions window


    财政援助概述 screen

    Your financial aid information is under three topics:

    1. How much does my education cost?
      • 你的居住地决定了你的总费用(州内或州外),以及你是住在校内还是校外, tuition and fee price for a full-time student for the academic year, and estimated living expense for the year. You can receive funding up to your cost of attendance (COA). This is sometimes referred to as your budget.

    2. How much financial aid can I receive?
      • This section provides information on the award name, 状态, 给你的奖励, and the amount you will receive for the academic year.
      • Award Status consists of projected, estimated, and awarded aid. Awarded aid requires no additional action; however, projected and estimated aid will require action from you. 这可能包括接受援助和完成与奖项相关的任何未决任务.
      • 预计联邦佩尔助学金不需要采取行动,并将根据您注册的学分数在增减期结束时进行调整.
      • Projected student loan amounts require action from you. 这可能包括接受援助和完成与奖项相关的任何未决任务(入学咨询和mpn)。.

    3. When am I scheduled to receive my financial aid?
      • 本节提供了大学账单办公室收到您的资金的估计日期.

    Please note the information provided is an estimate. And amounts and dates are subject to change. 

  • How to Accept Your 金融援助 Awards

    1. 审查援助

    请务必通过点击导航栏上的财务来访问您的经济援助摘要页面,以获取有关您的经济援助奖励的详细信息. 这些信息有助于确定学年是否需要贷款资金. 请注意,您不必接受贷款提供的总金额,并可进行相应调整.

    Your 财政援助概述

    要审查和接受援助,请点击步骤2 -审查/接受您的经济援助奖励

    金融援助 Actions that are Required

    You should see the following:

    Action - accept your funds


    2. 接受贷款


    You will have three options

    I would like to Accept listing of awards

    • 另一个金额:这个选项允许你输入你想要借的学年的金额:这个选项还允许你通过点击链接来计算你的生活费用.
    • 我想拒绝我的资金:这个选项表明你正在拒绝本学年的贷款资金

    Select your option and continue.

    You can find additional information about loans on our website.


    3. 确认

    祝贺你! You have successfully accepted your loans for the academic year. The amounts per term are listed.

    确认 Your Awards Selection

    If you are a 第一个-time borrower, 您必须签署您的主本票(MPN),并通过选择完整的贷款入学咨询完成贷款入学咨询. You will 自动 be redirected to Student Entrance Interview Counseling. Please complete all information. 澳门十大赌城官方网站将收到关于完成贷款入学咨询的电子通知.

    4. 电子签名

    电子签名 Your Awards Letter

    这一步允许你查看你的奖励信的更新副本,以完全接受你的经济援助奖励. 您必须完成以下步骤,注明“我接受”,并以大写字母输入您的学生号和姓氏. When you are done, click on SIGN & 完成.

    Electronic Signature Consent

    ** Please make sure your last name is in uppercase letters.

    5. 完成


